Classics Club Spin #26: The Result

The result of the latest Classics Club Spin has been revealed today.

The idea of the Spin was to list twenty books from my Classics Club list, number them 1 to 20, and the number announced by the Classics Club represents the book I have to read before 31st May. The number that has been selected is…


And this means the book I need to read is…

Germinal by Émile Zola

The thirteenth novel in Émile Zola’s great Rougon-Macquart sequence, Germinal expresses outrage at the exploitation of the many by the few, but also shows humanity’s capacity for compassion and hope.

Etienne Lantier, an unemployed railway worker, is a clever but uneducated young man with a dangerous temper. Forced to take a back-breaking job at Le Voreux mine when he cannot get other work, he discovers that his fellow miners are ill, hungry, in debt, and unable to feed and clothe their families. When conditions in the mining community deteriorate even further, Lantier finds himself leading a strike that could mean starvation or salvation for all.


I’m happy with this result as I’ve been wanting to read Germinal for such a long time. I enjoyed the other two books I’ve read by Zola (The Ladies’ Paradise and Thérèse Raquin) and I know this one is usually considered to be his best, so I’m really looking forward to it.

If you took part in the spin too, I hope you got a good result!

23 thoughts on “Classics Club Spin #26: The Result

  1. whatmeread says:

    Ooh, that’s interesting. I don’t think I have read any Zola. I got The Brothers Karamazov, which I had frankly already begun reading. It’s taking me about a week. When I put it on my list, I forgot that it was more than 900 pages long.

  2. Constance says:

    This is an interesting challenge but sort of reminds me of my sister’s comment when I talk about attacking my TBR – if I really wanted to read them, wouldn’t I have read them already?

    • Helen says:

      Yes, that’s true – although I think once your TBR starts to spiral out of control, it becomes physically impossible to keep up with reading everything you really want to read!

  3. Calmgrove says:

    I didn’t officially write out a list but I see No 11 on my Classics Club TBR titles happens to be a collection of Edith Nesbit’s supernatural tales, so I think I may go with that! Good luck with Zola — I struggle with doorstopper classics these days I’m afraid, I no longer skim through them as I was wont to do in my youth!

    • Helen says:

      I use to love immersing myself in a long book, but now I tend to find myself thinking of how many shorter books I could have read in the same length of time. I’m still looking forward to reading the Zola though!

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